
NDR Therapeutic Riding

Fälligkeitsdatum: 2027-03-16T21:00:00.000Z
Improve the lives of the people with disabilities through therapeutic horse-related programs. NDR Therapeutic Riding is dedicated to a safe environment where students can enjoy adaptive horseback riding, a therapeutic exercise in mind and body. NDR Therapeutic Riding offers programs sensitive to each riders needs. NDR instructors develop lesson plans that improve the riders balance, focus and muscle strength. These benefits, along with their improved self-confidence, will allow each student to work towards their individual riding goals. Volunteer with NDR Therapeutic Riding and Join a Caring Team image: NDR team working with a participant on one of their horses Bring strength and hope Volunteer Your Time and Talent At NDR, our participants are the heart of our program and our volunteers are the heartbeat. NDR Therapeutic Riding's mission is to provide equine-assisted activities that are focused on providing people with disabilities/limitations the unique opportunity to enhance their physical, social, and emotional abilities. Our volunteers donate their time and talent rewarding all at NDR with strength and hope. Get involved with us and make a difference in the lives of people with disabilities/limitations. If you want to apply as a volunteer, please, go to page https://ndrtherapeuticriding.org/ways-to-help#volunteer Our website is https://ndrtherapeuticriding.org/, email is ndrtherapeuticriding@gmail.com, contact phone is (951) 734-9056

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