
Canal Alliance

Fecha de vencimiento: 2027-04-01T21:00:00.000Z
We want to break the generational cycle of poverty for Latino immigrants and their families by lifting the barriers to their success. Join our energetic, nurturing, and committed team of volunteers! Every day, our volunteers help Latino immigrants in Marin access emergency resources and educational opportunities. Join our energetic, nurturing, and committed team of volunteers! Every day, our volunteers help Latino immigrants in Marin access emergency resources and educational opportunities. FOOD PANTRY DISTRIBUTION Volunteers are needed every Tuesday 8am – 11am. The Food Pantry provides fresh produce and packaged foods to hundreds of families in the Canal neighborhood. Volunteers help unload food from the truck, pack grocery bags, stock shelves, hand out food in the walk-through system, and clean up. Volunteers commit to a minimum of one month (4 weeks). ESL TEACHER’S AIDE We are seeking volunteer teacher’s aides for our summer 2022 ESL (English as a Second Language) classes. Volunteers assist in an online ESL class one evening per week for 14 weeks, starting the week of May 16. All classes are via Zoom; there are no in-person activities. The role is an excellent opportunity for people interested in language instruction or learning about the ESL field. Serving as an aide is also a rewarding experience for anyone who wants to support the immigrant community here in Marin. If you want to apply as a volunteer, please, go to page Our website is, contact email is, contact phone is (415) 454-2640

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