
Center for Elders’ Independence ACS Tri-Valley

Fecha de vencimiento: 2026-05-15T08:39:12.000Z
The Center for Elders’ Independence ACS Tri-Valley supports our participants’ medical, social, emotional and nutritional needs. Our care teams include 11 professional disciplines. Visible from Interstate 580, ACS Tri-Valley opened in March 2024 to offer local seniors a place to enjoy lunch, work on their rehab exercises and build friendships in the very large center of 23,000 square feet of space. Our not-for-profit organization works to improve the total environment of older adults in the East Bay We provide the best volunteering opportunities for anyone who wants to help elderly. If you want to help others and apply as a volunteer, please, go to page Our website is, email is, contact phone is 510-746-0500

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