
Unity Shoppe - Free Food Store

Termin płatności: 2026-06-04T21:00:00.000Z
We are dedicated to providing residents impacted by temporary conditions of poverty, natural disaster or health crisis with resources, including groceries, clothing, and other essentials as well as job training, that reinforce human dignity and encourage self-sufficiency and independence. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Individuals are welcome to volunteer at Unity Shoppe’s Family Service Center, 1401 Chapala Street, Santa Barbara, Monday through Friday, from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm. Groups of four or more persons must call 805-965-4122 to schedule. For companies or organizations seeking Team Building Volunteer Opportunities, please email us at If you want to apply as a volunteer, please, go to page Our website is, contact email is, contact phone is 805-965-4122

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