

Termin płatności: 2026-05-28T21:00:00.000Z
To protect the honey bees and inspire and educate new urban beekeepers. inspires, creates, and educates urban beekeepers at free educational workshops and beekeeping mentoring sessions. As a species, honey bees are threatened worldwide, and if present trends continue there will be no more bees by 2035. Bees living in urban environments can be spared this fate if enough people act. Why? Urban bees find more than enough forage in home gardens, landscaping, and weedy areas to feed themselves throughout the seasons. And since the vast majority of the forage in the city is pesticide-free, bees have one less mortal enemy to contend with. While the city represents the bees' best shot at surviving and thriving, HoneyLove still has a lot of work to do to ensure we will have a healthy ecosystem in the future. We are looking for volunteers and interns to help out with everything we do: running community workshops, helping with social media, assisting at our bee yard, and teaching the public about the importance of bees at special events. We’re building a grassroots effort and can’t do it without you. If you want to apply as a volunteer, please, go to page Our website is, email is

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