
Para Los Niños

Termin płatności: 2027-01-02T13:19:04.000Z
Para Los Niños continues to serve L.A.’s neediest children and families, placing education at the core of our work. In keeping with our original mission to help children thrive, our model – of early-education, TK-8th grade education, youth workforce services, and family and community services – provides a comprehensive, holistic approach to break the cycle of poverty and help children, youth, and families reach their full potential. Para Los Niños welcomes volunteers from corporations, community groups, colleges and schools. Help us support children and families by giving your time during the school day, or after school on a regular basis – weekly or monthly. Volunteers can help with mentoring, tutoring, college application assistance, athletics coaching, and administrative tasks. If you want to help others and apply as a volunteer, please, go to page Our website is, email is, contact phone is (213) 250-4800

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