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Feeding America Riverside | San Bernardino Counties

Due Date: 2027-08-17T21:00:00.000Z
Our mission is to combat hunger. We aim for a community where everyone has access to sufficient and nutritious food. Food for today. Food security for tomorrow. In a nation that discards billions of pounds of food annually, it's startling that hunger persists in America. Nevertheless, every day, millions of children and adults lack the necessary meals to flourish. We strive to deliver wholesome food—from farmers, manufacturers, and retailers—to those in need. Concurrently, we endeavor to assist our neighbors in forging a path toward a more prosperous, food-secure future. Volunteers play a crucial work in our efforts to alleviate hunger in the Inland Empire! Come join us for just a few hours and together, let's feed the IE! In response to the evolving COVID-19 pandemic and our need to keep staff, partners, and community members safe, we have limited the number of on-site warehouse volunteers for each volunteer shift. Other volunteer opportunities include Field Distribution Deliveries, Drive-Thru Distribution Event Volunteers, and Virtual Volunteers. If you want to apply as a volunteer, please, go to page Our website is, contact phone is (415) 647-1746

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