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Merced County Food Bank

Due Date: 2026-06-16T21:00:00.000Z
Our mission is to rally resources to combat hunger in our community. Food for today, food security for tomorrow. We source and distribute nutritious food and other essential items to those facing food insecurity, working through our partner agencies and direct programs; We inspire community involvement and support for hunger relief; We educate and raise awareness about hunger and nutrition and advocate for public policies that support those we serve. VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED FOR THE FOLLOWING: Food Sorting When product is donated to the Food Bank, it often needs to be sorted, cleaned and repackaged. Volunteers are needed to assist with these processes every day. Our facility is available Monday through Friday 7:30am to 3:30pm to individuals, groups or organizations of 25 volunteers or less to support this need. Special Events and Food Drives Merced County Food Bank is constantly involved with Food Drives and Special Events. Volunteers perform a wide range of duties, depending on the event. Contact Ived Ayala at (916) 531-3979 or​​​​​​​ to schedule your day. If you want to apply as a volunteer, please, go to page Our website is, email is , contact phone is (916) 531-3979

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