
Create Now, Inc.

Срок выполнения: 2025-07-31T21:00:00.000Z
Help youth find their voices through arts mentoring and education. We serve vulnerable kids from Pre-K to age 24 who have been abused, neglected, abandoned, orphaned, homeless and dealing with similar challenges. These “forgotten children” have fallen through the cracks of the system. They live in emergency shelters, rehab centers, detention camps and foster group homes, under the radar of the public eye. In addition, Create Now teaches arts education to disadvantaged youth at Title 1, continuation and charter schools where students receive zero or limited arts education. Volunteer Volunteering is rewarding and helps build healthy, sustainable communities through empowering individuals. PLEASE NOTE: YOU MAY NOT FULFILL COURT-ORDERED COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS BY VOLUNTEERING AT CREATE NOW. Our volunteering opportunities… Arts Mentoring Music, writing, dance or painting helps kids build confidence and develop goals. This is equally rewarding for mentors when you share your expertise. Volunteer at Events Whether it is planning, fundraising, or participating with the kids, Create Now often needs extra hands for our events. If you want to apply as a volunteer, please, go to page https://createnow.org/getinvolved/volunteer/ Our website is https://createnow.org/, contact email is lola@createnow.org, contact phone is (213) 747-2777 x 3

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