
Mount Shasta Bioregional Ecology Center

Срок выполнения: 2027-07-30T21:00:00.000Z
To protecting and restoring the outstanding natural environment and cultural values of Mount Shasta, one of the sacred mountains of the world, and of its surrounding bioregion. We are a community of people inspired to honor, protect and restore our world-renowned mountain environment. We advocate strong, enforceable protections for our mountain, for clean air and water, for healthy forests and wildlife habitat. We support a community informed and engaged with the issues and ready to act. We encourage leaders and decision makers to learn, understand and act appropriately for citizens and the land, above the influence of outside and exploitive interests. Collaborating with like-minded groups within and beyond our area, we support the best environmental and regenerative practices for managing resources. We tell the compelling natural and cultural story of our mountain, as we invite and activate people to appreciate and explore it. If you want to apply as a volunteer, please, go to page https://mountshastaecology.org/volunteer-opportunities/ Our website is https://mountshastaecology.org/, contact email is email@mountshastaecology.org, contact phone is 530.926.5655

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