
Scarlett Parks Foundation

Срок выполнения: 2026-02-27T21:00:00.000Z
We are dedicated to providing opportunities for all young people with Rett syndrome to live a better life. Our donations are given to all children suffering from Rett syndrome, without regard to their race, religion, or background. We strive to create a better world, and we thank all of you for helping us to achieve that. What began as a simple bike ride turned into one of my greatest passions. My love for cycling was the foundation for Riding4Rett and ultimately for the creation of the Scarlett Parks Foundation, two charities dedicated to helping fund the discovery of a cure for Rett syndrome. A life-altering disorder, Rett syndrome hits very close to home for me; our granddaughter Scarlett, is among the thousands of children (mostly girls), living courageously with their RS affliction. One Sunday in early 2016, as I rode my bicycle home from a 5k run, I was overcome with emotion thinking that my granddaughter would never be able to ride a bike, run or even walk. As I pedaled along with tears filling my eyes, I called out to God: ‘Lord what am I to do to help find a cure? Use me!’ It was then that I was given the leading that this bike would be my tool to use. Not being a dedicated cyclist, I knew that this call was going to require significant dedication and effort on my part. I set a goal, the GranFondo, and started riding morning and night to prepare for it. The GranFondo, staged in Tehachapi California, is 104 miles of basically nothing but hills. I had no idea how to train for it, but I did it anyway and on race day I happily pulled Scarlett across the finish line in a small trailer attached to my bicycle. Completing that ride inspired me to train and ride in different cycling events throughout the year, always hitching up to Scarlett in her “chariot” during the final miles and pulling her across the finish line. This act, to me, symbolizes that the true finish line for Scarlett and all RS sufferers will be the eventual discovery of a cure for Rett syndrome. Volunteer Most of our workforce is comprised of volunteers. If you have a few free hours that you can dedicate to others, or a skill that can be shared, we will be happy to channel it in the right direction. If you want to apply as a volunteer, please, go to page https://www.scarlettparksfoundation.org/take-action Our website is https://www.scarlettparksfoundation.org/, email is riding4rett@yahoo.com, contact phone is 559-972-7631

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