
YouthSERVE - Santa Cruz County

Срок выполнения: 2025-10-31T21:00:00.000Z
We are dedicated to connecting youth, ages 11-17, with rewarding volunteer projects across Santa Cruz County. We connect local youth who have a passion to help those in need with meaningful opportunities to do so. JOIN YOUTHSERVE Whether you have an hour to give or would like to dedicate a year to bettering your community. There’s work to do and we can’t do it without you! Make new friends and join fellow teens who want to contribute their time and talent to affect local change. CHECK OUT OUR PROJECTS Youth can make a difference in their community while developing skills to find a job, get into college, complete school service requirements. We are currently offering a variety of in-person and at-home projects! View our List of Volunteer Needs on the page https://www.scvolunteernow.org/search If you want to apply as a volunteer, please, go to page https://scvolunteercenter.org/programs/youth-serve/ Our website is https://scvolunteercenter.org/programs/youth-serve/, email is volunteer@scvolunteercenter.org, contact phone is (831) 427-5070 ext.118

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