
Noyo Center

Срок выполнения: 2026-02-17T21:00:00.000Z
We are in the design process for building a marine science facility along the dramatic northern California coast that will be devoted to innovative scientific research, hands-on education and natural resource stewardship that engages the community, the visitor, and the scientist and inspires connection, communication, collaboration and creativity. We envision an active environment that showcases sustainability through its operation and a physical campus that will unfold from the land with one element leading naturally to another. A place that grows and changes over time as it transforms the a former industrial mill site on the headlands in Fort Bragg, California. Our programs and events are made possible by people like you. Our dedicated team of volunteers have the time and energy needed to bring our ideas to life. We’d love to have you join our community. - Become a docent at one of our interpretive centers - Become a Citizen Scientist and help with dockside sampling of urchin, marine mammal beach survey, beach clean-ups and more. - Help out with our marine technology development program - Support fundraising, events or office staff Dedicated docent, Donna, connecting with her sea star friend in the saltwater aquarium at the Crow’s Nest Interpretive Center If you have a special talent, skill, or idea, we are open to it! Your enthusiasm and inspiration is all welcome. Please email info@noyocenter.org with any questions! You can contact us: our website is https://noyocenter.org/, our email is info@noyocenter.org, phone is 707-733-6696

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