
Self-Help Enterprises

Термін виконання: 2025-05-01T21:00:00.000Z
To work together with low-income families to build and sustain healthy homes and communities. Since 1965, Self-Help Enterprises’ efforts have touched the lives of over 55,000 families. Volunteer to Help Build Homes for Families Volunteers, age 16 and up, work hand in hand with homebuilders to help construct new, safe and affordable homes under the concept of “mutual self-help homeownership”. This is based upon the conviction that, given the proper tools, individuals can and will work to improve their living conditions. Organized into building groups of 10-12 families, participants commit to assist in the construction of each other’s homes. Over 8-10 months, families dig and form foundations, pour and finish concrete, frame walls, install doors, windows, electrical wiring, and cabinets, lay floor tiles, and paint the homes’ exterior and interior. This “sweat equity” investment of labor provides each family with the down payment they could not otherwise afford and gives them an equity stake in their home. As a volunteer, you will be instructed by a construction supervisor and may get to do any of the tasks listed above, possibly more. Chances are good you’ll learn new things, just as all of the families who build their own homes do. You will have an opportunity to work side-by-side with the participants, and together you’ll help to build what for many low-income families is only a dream. The great thing about this dream is that you’ll be helping to make it come true! Whether you are an individual or an organization seeking community volunteer work, we welcome and value your time and effort helping build our homes. If you want to apply as a volunteer, please, go to page https://www.selfhelpenterprises.org/get-involved/#volunteer Our website is https://www.selfhelpenterprises.org/, contact email is info@selfhelpenterprises.org, contact phone is (559) 651-1000

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