
Horizon Pregnancy Clinic

Термін виконання: 2025-10-30T21:00:00.000Z
Our mission is to encourage anyone impacted by a crisis pregnancy to choose life. We are a free, safe and confidential Christ-centered pregnancy medical clinic, providing hope and healing through counseling, education, abstinence training, and recovery. We are 100% funded by individuals and donors. We do not receive any Government funding. SUPPORT VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES (NOT INTERACTING WITH CLIENTS) Prayer Ministry Tuesdays from 5:00 to 6:00 PM Meet weekly to praise the Lord for our center’s blessings and pray for our clients needs. Office Help 4 hours per week Filing, computer data entry, copying, scanning, inventory supplies, etc. Mailing Assistant 2 to 3 times a year Help with large mailings (stuffing envelopes). Events/Outreach Typically weekend or annual local events. For example: Labour of Love, Breaking Through, Walk of Life, HPC Annual Banquet. If you want to apply as a volunteer, please, go to page https://www.supporthpc.org/volunteer/ THANK YOU FOR CONSIDERING USING YOUR TIME, TALENT AND RESOURCES TO HELP HPC MEET THE PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL AND SPIRITUAL NEEDS OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN IN OUR COMMUNITY. PLEASE PRAYERFULLY CONSIDER WHEN, WHERE, AND IN WHAT CAPACITY GOD IS LEADING YOU TO SERVE. Our website is http://supporthpc.org/, contact email is info@horizonpc.org, contact phone is 714-897-7500

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